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There is a network of ORV trails available for the trail riding enthusiast that connects to a statewide system of trails.

The Pine River and Pere Marquette River are both very popular canoeing rivers, there are numerous canoe liveries available in the area.

Both the Pine and the Pere Marquette rivers boast excellent spring and fall salmon runs. People come from all over to fish these runs. Area lakes, including Seaman Lake where the campground is, have some of the best fishing available in the state.Seaman Lake even claims two (yes two!) state record largemouth bass. People fish the area lakes for bass, pike, bluegill, and perch. The Little Manistee River is a popular fishery for the trout fisherman, and Lake Michigan has countless charter boats that can take you on a deep sea type of fishing expedition.

Deer abound in the area, along with bear, porcupines, squirrels, and rabbits. There are wild turkeys, bald eagles, partridge, crow, woodcock, frogs, turtles, ducks, heron, otter, mink, and canadian geese. Many deer hunters and turkey hunters choose to make Leisure Time Campground their base camp. See our Hunter's Page for more pictures!

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